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This class implements a matplotlib-based scenario visualizer.

display_map(map_, ax)

This function plots the map on the given axis.


Name Type Description Default
map_ Map

The map to be displayed.

ax Axes

The axis to display the map on.



Bases: ABC

This class implements an abstract scenario manager.

The scenario manager is used to reset a scenario (including the map, agent, and participants), manage the state update the traffic participants, and check the traffic events.


Name Type Description
max_step int

The maximum time step of the scenario. Defaults to None. If not specified, the scenario will not be terminated by the time step.

step_size int

The time interval to update a physical step. The unit is millisecond (ms). Defaults to int(1000 / render_fps).

render_fps int

The frame rate of the rendering. The unit is Hz. Defaults to 60.

off_screen bool

Whether to display the rendering result on the screen. Defaults to False.

cnt_step int

The current time step of the scenario. Initialized as 0.

scenario_status ScenarioStatus

The high-level status of the scenario. Defaults to ScenarioStatus.NORMAL.

traffic_status TrafficStatus

The low-level status of the traffic. Defaults to TrafficStatus.NORMAL.

map_ Map

The map of the scenario. Defaults to None.

participants List[Participant]

The list of traffic participants. Defaults to None.

render_manager RenderManager

The render manager of the scenario. Defaults to None.

agent Agent

The agent vehicle in the scenario. Defaults to None.

__init__(max_step=None, step_size=None, render_fps=60, off_screen=False)

Initialize the scenario manager.


Name Type Description Default
max_step int

The maximum time step of the scenario.

step_size int

The time interval to update a physical step. The unit is millisecond (ms). If not specified, the step size will be set to int(1000 / render_fps).

render_fps int

The frame rate of the rendering. The unit is Hz.

off_screen bool

Whether to display the rendering result on the screen.


check_status() abstractmethod

This function checks both the high-level scenario status and the low-level traffic status. It should be overridden in implementation.


Type Description
Tuple[ScenarioStatus, TrafficStatus]

The high-level scenario status and the low-level traffic status.


This function obtains the list of active participants at the given frame.


Name Type Description Default
frame int

The frame number. The unit is millisecond (ms).



Type Description

The list of active participant IDs.


This function gets the observation of the current state.

render() abstractmethod

This function renders the current state with the render manager. It should be overridden in implementation.

reset() abstractmethod

This function resets the scenario. It should be overridden in implementation.

update(action) abstractmethod

This function updates the states of the traffic participants (including the agent and other participants). It should be overridden in implementation.


Bases: IntEnum

This class defines the high-level status of a traffic scenario.

The possible status are as follows:

  1. NORMAL: The scenario is running normally.
  2. COMPLETED: The scenario is completed.
  3. TIME_EXCEEDED: The scenario is not completed within the time limit.
  4. OUT_BOUND: The ego vehicle is out of the boundary of the map.
  5. NO_ACTION: The ego vehicle does not take any action for a given time period.
  6. FAILED: The scenario is failed. The reasons for the failure are various and should be specified by TrafficStatus or user defined status.


Bases: IntEnum

This class provides a sample for describing the low-level status of a traffic scenario. The user can custom their own status class.

The preliminaries of the status description are as follows
  • This class is used by the ego vehicle controlled by an driving policy-maker in the scenario.
  • All the other agents are either controlled by humans or other policy-makers.

The possible status are as follows:

  1. NORMAL: The ego vehicle behaves normally.
  2. UNKNOWN: The traffic status of the ego vehicle is unchecked and unknown for some reasons.
  3. COLLISION_STATIC: The ego vehicle collides into a static object, such as a building.
  4. COLLISION_DYNAMIC: The ego vehicle collides with a movable traffic participant, such as a vehicle or pedestrian.
  5. OFF_ROUTE: The ego vehicle is deviated from the arbitrary route.
  6. OFF_LANE: The ego vehicle is out of the lane.
  7. VIOLATION_RETROGRADE: The ego vehicle violates the traffic rule because it is on the reversed direction of the lane.
  8. VIOLATION_NON_DRIVABLE: The ego vehicle violates the traffic rule because it is in a non-drivable region, such as the bicycle lane, side walk, and traffic island.
  9. VIOLATION_TRAFFIC_LIGHT: The ego vehicle violates the traffic rule because it does not obey the traffic light.
  10. VIOLATION_TRAFFIC_SIGN: The ego vehicle violates the traffic rule because it does not obey the traffic sign.